Free Ayurveda Health Camp successfully organized for the first time in Australia

Published on Aug. 29, 2024


Hillcrest, South Australia - Nepalese Energetic People in Australia (NEPA) Inc, in collaboration with the Australasian Association of Ayurveda Inc, hosted Australia's inaugural Free Ayurveda Health Camp at Ayur Health Clinic on 30th of June.

This pioneering event drew an enthusiastic response from the community, with over 50 participants attending to explore the benefits of Ayurveda, an ancient system of natural medicine. A significant highlight of the camp was the personalized consultations offered by Ayurveda physicians and practitioners, with 42 individuals taking advantage of this opportunity.

Dr. Bosco Paul, Dr. Nigam Paudel, Dr. Hasitha Chamini, and Dr. Nayana Suresh, esteemed Ayurveda physicians, provided expert guidance and tailored recommendations addressing participants' health concerns.

"This is a landmark occasion for Ayurveda enthusiasts in Australia," remarked Vice President of AAA. "The overwhelming attendance and positive feedback underscore the growing interest and need for such holistic health initiatives." Visitors expressed eagerness to see more Ayurveda camps happening regularly, highlighting a strong demand for accessible alternative healthcare options. Many attendees were particularly concerned about improving their dietary habits and lifestyle choices, topics which were thoroughly addressed during Sunday's consultations. "The doctors provided invaluable insights tailored to each person's health needs," said one participant. "I feel more empowered now to make positive changes in my daily life."

In recognition of their dedicated service and expertise, Apil Prakash Kandel, President of NEPA Inc., and Secretary Basanta Sapkota, handed over Certificates of Appreciation. Dr. Bosco Paul, Vice President of the Australasian Association of Ayurveda (AAA), received the certificate on behalf of AAA and Ayur Health Clinic. Dr. Naveen Shukla, President of AAA, who couldn't attend the event in Adelaide, sent an inspiring video message to all the attendees, expressing his gratitude and encouragement for embracing Ayurveda's principles for health and wellness.

Additionally, visitors were provided with free consultations and free medicines, underscoring NEPA Inc. and AAA's commitment to promoting accessible healthcare solutions through Ayurveda. Ayurveda, known for its personalized approach to wellness through diet, lifestyle adjustments, and herbal remedies, resonated deeply with attendees seeking natural and preventive healthcare solutions. The event not only facilitated health education but also fostered a sense of community and cultural exchange. Participants from diverse backgrounds came together to explore Ayurvedic principles and strategies for holistic well-being. Dr Nigam, Program Coordinator of the camp expressed his commitment to organizing more such camps in the future, responding to the community's desire for ongoing access to Ayurvedic healthcare expertise.